Life's adventures

The daily adventures-whether you think so or not-of life

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Location: Houston, Texas

I am a child of God, a wife, a mother of three, a preschool teacher, an encourager and a persuader. My husband and I are church planters in the Northwest Houston Area.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Happy Birthday!!!!

Well an amazing thing has happened in my life. My oldest son turned 10 on Saturday and my youngest son turned 5 yesterday. Okay, now for the corny part… “It seems like just yesterday that they were babies… Where has the time gone… How can they be so old already… My babies are growing up”
For the record My 10 year old would greatly resent being called a baby! You know it’s a funny thing, you get married and you’re so full of love for each other it just spills out to become a baby. Babies are so cute and cuddly. Mostly they smell great, their skin is so soft and they make these great little cooing noises when they sleep. Then they grow up.
I now have 2 children on the precipice of adolescence and I can’t decide whether to push them off and encourage them to fly or to hold on and drag them from the edge to keep them “safe”. Thank goodness Micah is still little. 5 year olds still cuddle and love to sit in your lap. They rarely understand “cool” and aren’t afraid of what others think.
I feel so ill equipped to shepherd Christian and Hannah thought their teenage years. I am convinced that you should have a do-over when it comes to kids. You have no idea what you’re doing when you have the first one. I have screwed Christian up so bad and I don’t even mean to! Hopefully I am teaching him to be full of grace since I will need it from him.
It’s amazing to watch your children grow. I have so much from them and I now understand God in so many ways that I don’t know if I could have with out them. Some days I know I have done a great job as a mom-other days I am filled with self-doubt and questioning. I wonder if that ever changes or if this is the lifelong state of motherhood.
Happy Birthday Christian! Happy Birthday Micah! I love you guys and love being your mom-for better or worse!


Blogger LOIS LANE said...

I hope that motherhood isn't always times of doubting weather we are doing a good job. But I know you're kids are good kids and they will be good people because you and danny are doing a great job with them! If in the end I can say I am half the mother you are to your kids I think I'll be good! I love you!!!

12/08/2004 11:06 PM  
Blogger Lizanne said...

Now I got the big head!

12/09/2004 8:47 AM  

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